Round Two Sunday Seven — New Leaves

Medieval Writing, by Hans Splinter, WANA Commons

Today was undergraduate graduation at my institution of employment, which makes me think about change and plans, and the intersection of the two. I enjoy graduation, even though I know only a handful of graduates every year. Beyond getting to dress in academic regalia, which I like far too much, I feel the energy of all these young people on the cusp of change. It makes me think about changes I want to make, turning over new leaves.

The last few days have been productive, so I am feeling pretty happy about that. I am toiling my way through the boring stuff that has to be done–proofreading, checking citations, editing, and the like. I’m finding that I may not enjoy the work, but I truly enjoy having it done, so I press on.

I am still behind on organizing the sabbatical space, although I did spend an hour or so getting things set up last Thursday. I realized today when the temperature was close to 80 in the library that the campus has begun its summer shutdown, so there will be no air conditioning for about 10 days until summer classes start. I might concentrate my organizing on the home office and the electronic files that proliferate among my various cloud services.

My other prize from campus was bringing home some readings, so that I can make up my lost goal of reading criticism for a half-hour. I had scanned some articles last week, only to find out that the scanner at work guesses at the size of the page, and cuts off whatever bits it pleases. Of course, I didn’t find that out until I was home.

Although I haven’t made it all the way to walking at least 1 hour a day, I am building up to it. I’ve done more than a half-hour the past two days, and think I can up the ante tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a productive rest of the week. Please visit the other RoWers here, at the hashtag #row80 or in the FB group.