Appreciated Follower Award, Leibster Award, ROW80

ROW80 Check-in 9/11

Thank you, Kait, for mentioning the moment of silence.

As for my progress, I have been rather productive the past few days.  It took me a while, but I finally realized that Marie Andrews had given me the Appreciated Follower Award. Thank you so very much, Marie! I set about finding the people to award as well as those I wanted to give the Leibster Award that Jamila Jamison had given me the week before.  Thank you again, Jamila!

I posted each of the awards and my choices on Saturday. I also posted the History of Profanity; depending on comments and interest, I may continue with that, since I know far too much about it! I also need to figure out how to talk about the really bad words on an open blog—perhaps a warning? If anyone has any ideas, I’d be happy to hear them.

On Thursday, I finally posted my first review, for Rebecca Emin’s New Beginnings. Now that I’ve managed to put one review out there, I should feel comfortable getting a lot more of them out. Also on Thursday, I managed to use the time spent waiting for an X-ray  editing my conference paper.

On Saturday, I finally got a new hard drive that works (yay!) in my laptop, so I am digital, baby!

All in all, a good end of the week.  Check on the other participants here; your encouragement is what makes this a fantastic community.

Leibster Award

Leibster Award

A couple of weeks ago, Jamila Jamison gave me the Leibster Award. 

Thank you so much, Jamila; it is greatly appreciated! I have dithered about, and had a very hard time picking only five bloggers out of all the wonderful people I have met in the past few months. I decided not to give the award to bloggers who had already received it, in the spirit of bringing deserving people to others’ attention. All of these writers have been very supportive of me and I appreciate their help immensely. The rules are to post the Award on your blog, link back to the person who gave it to you, and then to pick five bloggers to whom to pay it forward.

I also want to preface this by saying that I don’t want to oblige anyone to more work than they want to take on. Please take it in the spirit in which it was offered, and do as much or as little as you wish.

Matt Hofferth  Matt wears a bunch of hats, and I am amazed that he can swap them all out with such finesse. He has a life, a day job, and hobbies, but still manages to write, and write well. In addition to interesting posts about the craft, he talks about the characters in his book and how he worked to make them real characters, despite their being paranormal creatures.

Ruth Nestvold  Ruth writes science fiction and fantasy, which I love to read. Her posts share some of the research she does for her writing, as well as posts about the craft.  She and I share an appreciation for early female writers, who are often neglected in the literary canon.

Tia Bach Tia writes fiction that reads like reality, and that is something, even for fiction based on reality.  Tia posts about interesting blog posts she has read, or what she is working through in her writing. She always has something interesting to say.

Rebecca Fleming I also met Rebecca during this Round of Words.  Rebecca is juggling writing and school, which is certainly something I can understand, and I almost always identify with her, except that she can draw and I can’t draw worth a hoot. I love her “ranting” blog, which identifies her as an anti-social desk-hermit, and introduces one to Judgemental Dog.  I dearly love Judgemental Dog.

Violante  is a new friend from the Platform-Building Campaign. She and I share a love of Gone with the Wind, as well as most things from the 1940’s. Along with four others, Violante writes about an interesting range of subjects, from discussions on writers as recluses, to solutions for writing problems.

All of these writers are interesting and well worth following.  Give them a look.