Appreciated Follower Award, Leibster Award, ROW80

ROW80 Check-in 9/11

Thank you, Kait, for mentioning the moment of silence.

As for my progress, I have been rather productive the past few days.  It took me a while, but I finally realized that Marie Andrews had given me the Appreciated Follower Award. Thank you so very much, Marie! I set about finding the people to award as well as those I wanted to give the Leibster Award that Jamila Jamison had given me the week before.  Thank you again, Jamila!

I posted each of the awards and my choices on Saturday. I also posted the History of Profanity; depending on comments and interest, I may continue with that, since I know far too much about it! I also need to figure out how to talk about the really bad words on an open blog—perhaps a warning? If anyone has any ideas, I’d be happy to hear them.

On Thursday, I finally posted my first review, for Rebecca Emin’s New Beginnings. Now that I’ve managed to put one review out there, I should feel comfortable getting a lot more of them out. Also on Thursday, I managed to use the time spent waiting for an X-ray  editing my conference paper.

On Saturday, I finally got a new hard drive that works (yay!) in my laptop, so I am digital, baby!

All in all, a good end of the week.  Check on the other participants here; your encouragement is what makes this a fantastic community.

Appreciated Follower Award

Appreciated Follower Award

Earlier this week, Marie Andrews gave me the Appreciated Follower Award.

Thank you, Marie. I am extremely honored. As part of the award, I am supposed to pay it forward by choosing five bloggers. Following Marie’s lead, I am going to pick my five honorees the same way, as people I always read. Also, as I did with the Leibster Award, I want to preface this by saying that I don’t want to oblige anyone to more work than they want to take on. Please take it in the spirit in which it was offered, and do as much or as little as you wish.

Jenny Hansen  Jenny always is looking for more, and that appetite for life is so much fun to read.  She and I share a background of high risk pregnancies, but she is so intellectually curious, reading her blog is a delight.

C. M. Cipriani C. M. manages to keep all the plates she is juggling in the air at the same time, which is something I admire greatly.  She is posting a serial novella which is very interesting, along with  musings on the craft and general thoughts about the life of writing.

Writer-monkey Cate has a slightly twisted view on life which really fits my twisted mind. Her tagline “When life hands you bananas, make daiquiris” is so much more evocative than my Pollyanna half-full glass. Her posts about the struggles she has with her writing are reassuring and interesting at the same time.

Rebecca Emin I ran across Rebecca on Twitter as she tweeted some of the UK writers I follow.  Her tweets about her kids crack me up.  I find Rebecca’s posts about the craft and fitting life around writing down to earth and delightful.

Áine Greaney Áine conducted a webinar based on her book Writer with a Day Job which I took this summer. Her blog investigates the challenges and opportunities of writing and working full-time. She has a gift of asking the right questions to get an interesting discussion going, with lots of good advice and hints added by respondents.

Go take a look at their blogs; I think you’ll find them interesting.